I went to the Technorati web site and did a blog search on the words
"sensus divinitatis". I actually also set up RSS feeds to come to my Yahoo feed reader anytime a blog post appeared in the blogosphere which contained this tag.
And so recently the RSS feeder served me up the following little gem on the subject.
It from a chap called
Felipe Fontes who is no doubt a Christian and lives in Brazil (nice place).
Therefore the post was naturally enough in Portuguese.
Having fed the link through Google Language tools here it is in the Queen's English :
I believe in God, sovereign not servant, perfect in all His ways, transcendent, totally other, but One who becomes related in a pact of love with His creation.
I believe that God created all the existing, visible and invisible things, in the land and skies, and that when creating all the things God meant its perfect intention in accordance with them.
I believe that to the man this meant that God has endowed man with His image and similarity, and this implies that man can know God and the reality that encircles him.
It also implies that we are endowed with the knowledge of the divine - "sensus divinitatis", and that all rationalizations and lies against reality are nothing more than the attempt to suppress and to refuse the knowledge of God who requires devotion.
I believe that the knowledge of God and of ourselves is determinative for all and any type of knowledge, and that the fullness of the truth only can come after the tried and true knowledge of God and of ourselves.
Therefore, there enters a clear antithesis : the wisdom of the world, and the wisdom of God.
I believe that the only safe source of knowledge is the Holy Bible, inerrant and autoritative revelation of God to man.
I believe that my knowledge is achieved by the correspondence with the meaning determined by God for something at its creation, when found through the special revelation of the Bible, and the general revelation actually experienced in my heart “coram Deo”.
Being thus, I know!
Thanks Felipe.
There are a number of things I like about Felipe's formulation.
First, I like his first paragraph and particularly the expression where he speaks of God as
"One who becomes related in a pact of love with His creation". This really says a lot not least of which that God's relation to us as His creation is, if I may say it without wishing in any way to be irreverent, maintained by means of that same glue that holds the Trinity together - love.
Second, he speaks of God as One who
"requires our devotion" . Nothing is added to Him by our devotion, of course. Devotion is our right and proper response as the created and dependent beings that we are.
Finally, almost in a throw away fashion he seems to have identified the ontology of that dichotomy which has come to be known in New Testament revelation as the "wisdom of the world" versus the "wisdom of God" (see
1 Corinthians 1:18-31).